Back to Health


This picture was taken at a benefit my duaghter put together after the first transplant.  I’m the guy in the front, or of course.  My famiy is around me


I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Muktiple Myeloma in March 0f 2016.   Since that time I have had 2 stem cell transplants at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City, Iowa.  I am currently recovering at home, and will be undergoing additnal chemotherapy for the next year.

During the transplants and after I developed side effects that were different than most.  My right shoulder just decided to quit working after the first transplant (I am right handed), and I am learning to cope with that until we find out why.  After the second transplant, I develoed bad neuropaty in both feet, and drop foot in both feet.  I now can get around the house without any assistance except the braces in both shoes, and I can go outside with a cane.  Stairs are still a challnge. My hair is just starting to come back in.

My goal for 2017 is to get my hair back, and my look back.  Also, to get my shoulder and feet working properly so I can go back to work in the insurance industry.  I have high hopes, and am not in any way discouraged or down-trodden. I have my trust in the Lord, and He will deliver me.  And I have a golf date on June 11, 2018.  My ultimate goal is to be there with my best friend of 60 years.




In response to New Horizons Challenge New Horizon

27 thoughts on “Back to Health

  1. Pingback: New Horizon: Forward | What's (in) the picture?

      1. viveka

        Pete, I had never a thought that I could die … but there was moments during my treatment I wanted to die. Some of us must be the % that survives and you have to be one of them. Don’t ever forget that.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Pete Post author

      We live in North Central Iowa. A small town called Belmond. We travel through Oskaloosa whenever we go to our daughters in Ottumwa though. Or to my wife’s family in Fairfield. Thanks for your prayers. be Blessed


      1. No Crow

        And good luck with the hair growing back too, it might come back different!

        My wife is on low-dose chemo (breast cancer), still got hair, but ended up with what she called “Bruce Willis receeding hairline”, so cut her hair short, so she can style it forward. Hairloss not noticable, but her hair changed. From blond, slightly wavey hair, to brown and curly.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pete Post author

    It’s just stubble now. but I am not particular. Some people thought I looked good bald, but that’s a lot of work to maintain, so I’ll see what sprouts!


  3. Pingback: 2016 – What A Year – Pete Gardner Psalms

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