Purge All Sin (2 Chron 22, 2 Kings 9-10) – June 17

Jehu is an interesting character. We see that he purged the nation from all the evil sons of the kings before him. But then it says that he followed the ways of Jeroboam. How can both things be true? Can we be so intent on getting rid of evil and yet still have evil in our lives.? It seems that we can according to this portion of scripture.

We also see once again the amazing effect the women have on the men. Not only do wives cause their men to follow their own gods But Jezebel continued to have influence on her sons. It would seem to me that the then were really trying to please their wives and their mothers instead of following the Lord. Now, I’m not one to say that we should not please our wives. You know what they say, Happy wife, happy home. But our duty is to the Lord first. And we must give him all the glory that He is due and follow His commandments before we worry about going the ways that our wives might lead us away from God. I am blessed that I have a godly woman. For many years I did not know she was as godly as she was, and the Lord revealed this to me. When I was fighting for my life against pride she was, and always is, there to help me be humble. And I finally realized that in my life and I am so grateful that she’s stuck with me through those tough times. In Biblical times we often see that when they had a wife that worshipped false gods, they did not take them away from the wife. And it caused them to fall as well.

Now back to Jehu. He killed all of the King’s sons and heirs and family members that were male so that he could fulfill the word of the Lord that came to Ahab. He also had Jezebel thrown down and eaten by the dogs so that the word of the Lord came true. Hou had a great zeal for the Lord. And it showed in these actions. He had destroyed those men that God had told him to destroy. He had broken down the altars of Baal and destroyed all of their prophets. But yet it still says that he did not depart from the sense of Jeroboam, who had made Israel to sin. And I see my life in this.

I love to study the word of God. I like these morning sessions. I get together with my friends to read the Word of God and write out what I’ve learned from the passages of the day. I share these thoughts with you on my blog. And I have learned much this year. I also joined the Bible study regularly.  I have become a part of my church advisory Board. And yet there are still things in my life that I need to clean up. There are still things that I follow from my previous years. God is still working on me, and I am so glad that He is merciful and patient. I know that I need to leave these things behind, and they are getting less and less frequent all the time. And I know that one day they will not be there at all. What grace God has, and He pours his grace unto me.

The last verse of Hebrews says that our God is a consuming fire. He cleanses es and purges us, often just one sin at a time, even after our salvation experience. That is His patience and mercy working for us. We must do what all we can, and I say I must do all I can to rid ourselves of these things. It is God’s consuming fire that will win in the end if I am yielding myself to him. I pray that you are yielding to him too, so that those things which are not pleasing to him will be burned up in the furnace up his love. He loves you so much He sent his only son to die for us. He still sends His Son to us through his word to cleanse us and purge us from all unrighteousness. May we take a strong look at ourselves every single day. May we work each day to take sin out of our lives. And may we always praise the name of the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. I don’t want my life to be like Jehu’s. I want my life to be more like David’s. He was a man after God’s own heart.

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