Seek The Lord and Live (Amos 1-6) – June 21

“Seek me and live” says the prophet Amos.  He also says “Seek the Lord and live.” And in another place, he says “Seek good and not evil.”  One has to look clearly at a definition of what it means to seek.  Seeking something can mean a lot of different things to us. It can be like trying to find a key, but not finding it – we did seek it.  It can be looking for an answer to some question or difficulty in life – we seek an answer.  It can be searching for someone in order to know them better –  as in seeking the Lord.  To seek something, according to the Mirriam Webster dictionary, can also mean a lot of different things, like to resort to, go and look for something or someone, to try to discover or ask for, to acquire or gain, to try to do something, or to make an attempt.

When I look at all these various definitions of the word my conclusion is that to seek the Lord means that we can never truly know Him completely, and that we should continue to get to know Him every day for all our lives.  We can do this by asking questions that bring us closer to knowing Him, or simply by reading the word with an open mind, and listening as the Holy Spirit tells us more about who the Father is and what He has for me.  He desires that I know  Him more and that is why He tells me to seek Him.  As we go through the word every day, and share our thoughts about those portio\ns we are reading, we are in essence seeking the Lord.  This is a good thing, and I am blessed to be able to share those things with you.

Seeking the Lord is a never ending quest.  We will never fully know Him until we meet Him face to face in heaven. Seerking the Lord is the root of all blessings.  It is at the heart of our worship and is the source of our praise.  The more I read the word and do my best to understand it, the more I realize there is so much more to know.  There is so much more to learn.  Jesus told us to seek first the kingdom of God, and all the blessings will be added to us.  As I seek Him, I realize how blessed I already am, and I also realize that there are many more blessings He desires to give me by His grace and mercy. Seeking Him should be at the top of our list every morning, and should be an integral part of our lives all day long.

Later in this portion, the Lord says we should “seek good and not evil.” As we go through our dayk, we should look for the best in others.  We should recognize a good deed done. We should hold our tongue when we are tempted to gossip or speak ill of someone.  Good should be at the top of our mind.  Pnilippians 4:8 should be the central theme of our thinking.  Ephesians 4:29 should be the focal point of every word spoken.  How am I doing each day in the light of these things?  Am I edifying my brother or sister, or even the one who doesn’t know Christ?  AM I ministering grace to every person I speak to?  Are my thoughts honest, just, lovely, true, praiseworthy, virtuous or do they bring a good report?  Seej=king to do good and not evil is a constant, thought out process.  It does not just happen that way because of our human frailties.  We must seek to do these things – make an attempt.

The simple words in the Bible, such as “seek,” have much to say unto us.  May we forever keep this in mind as we go to Him daily. He is right there, within us by His Spirit, and speaking to us through His word.  What will I learn of Him today?

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