Sowing and Reaping (Hosea 9-14 – June 27

Hosea 10:12 is one of my favorite Old Testament verses, and it spoke to me again this morning.  This is a verse that is not only key to our salvation, but is a calling to all of us who are saved.  Sow to yourselves in righteousness and reap in mercy.  When we sow seed into someone else’s life, we must bring a crop of mercy at the same time.  They need God’s mercy, and we need to somehow demonstrate that mercy to them by telling them what Jesus did for them on the cross. He was the epitome of righteousness, and this is something we don’t see too often in our world today.  One we have sown the seed of righteousness in them, we have to remember to be merciful to them in order to lead them to Christ.  He has been merciful to us. We must be merciful to others.

Break up your fallow ground is the next part. When I search for the definition of the word fallow, there are two distinct meanings that pop up right away. the first is ”  plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production”  This land has been made ready to plant, but has been set aside, and will need to be broken up again before seed can be put into it.  How many people have I witnessed in the past, and when they did not accept Christ, I just walked away and forgot all about them?  This verse starts out saying we need to sow in righteousness.  Did I sow that seed in a way that it lured the person to do what is right?  Was I a faithful witness of righteousness to them?  The ground is ready to be tilled (broken up).  Have I shown them the mercy that Christ showed me?
The second definition is “

characterized by inactionunproductive.”  I have to ask myself how productive a witness have I been?  How many people have I witnessed to this week?  This month?  This year?  Have I shown people mercy?  Have I lived in righteousness?  I have to admit that I have been somewhat inactive and unproductive for Jesus.  I do know that many people have made the comment to others that I brighten their day when they come into the store and greet them, or help them find what they need.  While this is a good witness, it is not sowing Christ  into their lives.  I need to be a little more faithful in sharing the good news with them.  I need to break up that inactivity within me and be more productive for Jesus.
It is time to seek the Lord.  There is no doubt about that.  Hosea might have been speaking to the people of his day, but this still rings true today.  It not only rings true for the unbeliever but it is also true for the believer!  I need to seek Him more, to learn of His ways, His wisdom, HJis plan for my life.  Seeking for Jesus never ends.  When we are saved, we have only just begun to seek Him.  After 46 years of being saved, there is still so much I don;t know.  I need to seek Him even more than before, because I have learned that He is always wanting to teach me something.  In every trial, every test, and every victory there is a lesson that can be learned.  Help me Lord to continue to seek you through your word.
 “Til He comes and rains righteousness on you.”  We come full circle.  I really never noticed this before, but this verse creates a never ending cycle.  We need to sow in righteousness, and in the end He will rain righteousness down on us foso we have  more to sow.  The word of God i0s so rich!   If I am lacking in something, I need to give that something out, not try to get more of it.  because if I give it out, God will put it back in.  In thi0s verse it is righteousness that will come back to us if we sow it into others.  But the same is true for peace, joy, patience, hope, love and so many other things God has given us.  Remember the Fruit of the Spirit?  How is fruit defined in the Bible?  Genesis tells us “its seed is in itself.”  The seed must come out for it to produce more fruit.  We must give these things out in order to take more in.  Sow and you will reap!  Mercy, grace and righteousness are no different.  If I need more, I need to sow more.  Give, and it shall be given to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

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