My Witness (Amos 7-9, 2 Kings 14-15, Isaiah 6) – June 22

The call of Isaiah into ministry is something I have always kept in my heart.  First, the hot coils touch his lips.  Do I have a burning desire to reach people for the Lord?  I have to admit that I do not.  I am not very good at sharing my faith with people who do not ask.  I am not outgoing in sharing with those I think are lost.  This is an area where I need to have more urgency, because the days are getting short.  Jesus will return soon, and I have a responsibility to share in the wonderful message of His saving grace.  He has done so much for me.  Why am I so reluctant to tell people about what he has done?  I need a touch from a burning coal!

Isaiah is told to make the people’s ears heavy and their eyes are shut.  We seem to be in that kind of culture now.  People don;t seem to be able to even see God in creation!  His masterpieces during sunrise and sunset are mere science to theme.  They don’t see the painter’s brush and His careful strokes give us a glorious display each day.  They don’t hear the sound of nature, always there telling us about their creator.  My witness is so that they can see His glory and hear His voice.  Inb this way, and this way nly, will they be healed from the death that is in them,

Isaiah is told to preach until the cities are not inhabited, the houses have no man,  and the land is desolate.  What a wasteland this would be!  I think this means He is to preach until all are saved and have turned their lives over to God.  There is no one left to preach to.  He has been to every man within his area of ministry, and they have all left their previous lifestyle to serve Christ.  That is a lot of people when I think about it.   How many people would that be for me?  Hundreds and that’s just in Belmond.  I have a lot of work to do!  May I start today!

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