Conspiracy Theories (Isaiah 8-11) – June 24

How many conspiracies do you hear about today?  Sometimes, it seems like that is all we hear from the news media.  One conspiracy after another.  Conspiracy is defined as a secret plan by one group or another to do something harmful or unlawful.  We hear conspiracies about our monetary system, about illegal immigrants, about elections, about foreign terrorists in our midst, about our government moving to socialism, about the subversion of the Constitution, about Global warming (or cooling), and so many other things.  The result is that people are often swayed more by these conspiracies than by what is really going on in the world because they don’t know what is really going on.  The news media is complicit in all this, so we get a steady stream of partial truths and sound bytes taken out of context.  Who can we believe?

We can believe God even in the midst of all this chaos.  Isaiah states early in our reading today that “the Lord of hosts, Him shall you hallow.  Let Him be your fear.  Let Him be your dread.”  Isaiah goes on to give several Messianic prophecies in this short reading, showing that only God can be a redeemer to His people, and only God can be trusted to bring light and truth into a fallen world.  Isaiah 9:2 tells us that the people who walk in darkness shall see a great light.  Isaiah 9:6-7 says that a child is born from a virgin and he shall be our counselor, our poreace, our everlasting Father, and that His government will never end.  Isaiah 11:1-2 tells us a Rod shall come from the stem of zJesse and the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Him.  As we read Isaiah we will see many more Messianic prophecies.  These are comfort to us even in this time of great conspiracy.

As we look at the news day after day, we must realize rthat we cannot put our trust in Man to solve the problems of our age.  Man does not have the wisdom or the knowledge to fix a world of sinful people.  They think they do, and will come up with all manner of ideas on how we can make this a better world.  Electric cars, windmills, solar farms, embracing illegals, letting prisoners go free, not enforcing the law, everyone can vote, and so many other ideas that are filled with false hope.  The truth is that only God can rescue us from our dying world.  Only God can bring us back to a place of peace and joy.  Trust in Him, and having the fear of the Lord is the only way to truly live a blessed life.  

I may not have riches, or fame, or power in this world, but I have all I need through the sacred blood of Jesus Christ.  He will see me through any calamity this world might throw at me.  He has seen me through cancer, a broken eye, fractures , scars, bruises and monetary problems, and He will do it again.  He will never fail.  When I fear the Lord, it is the same as putting my absolute trust in Him for all that I need.  I did that in 1978, and I continue to do that today.  I can’t trust what man says, not what false religions say, or what modern day prophecies might foretell.  I can’t trust the government to lead me in the paths of righteousness, or a college professor to tell me what I should believe.  Only God can be trusted, and he will lead us into all truth.  He has the Spirit o\f knowledge and understanding and wisdom.  Proverbs tell us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Isaiah reiterates that when he says the Lord of Hosts should be the one we fear.

Do not be carried away by all these conspiracies and half truths that are choking our airwaves today.  Be carried away by Jesus Christ, the Savior.  he is the one who bore your sins on the cross, His body beaten and scarred for you. He is the one who is that child that will have the government rest upon His shoulders forever.  His government is the only one that matters.  His Spirit is the one we need to follow.  His life is the one we need to emulate.  Trust in Him today and you will not be disappointed.

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