Tag Archives: Ahab

Is There a Prophet of the Lord? (1 Kings 20-22, 2 Chron 18) – June 12

“Is there not still a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of him?”  This question from Jehoshaphat rings down through the ages like a wake-up call to the church today.  Ahab had brought his prophets before them, and those prophets had given a report of victory to the two kings.  But Jehoshaphat somehow knew these men did not speak for the true God of Israel.  he knew the advice of the men was not that of the Lord God.  So he asked if there was any prophet of the Lord left. He discerned that the prophets Ahab had brought were not speaking the true counsel of the God of Israel.  How did he know?  Was it the way they dressed, or spoke?  Was it the language they used, or the demeanor in which they delivered the message?  We are not told, but I imagine it was the witness of the Holy Spirit that made him ask the question.  Jehoshaphat wanted to make sure they were following the Lord’s counsel, and not the counsel of men.

Today’s churches are listening a lot to the counsel of men, and disregarding the scripture.  How can a group of people be called a church if they are not following the laws and commands set down from God for the church?  These are false churches dressed up to look like the real thing.  They teach doctrines that are not sound, and set the truth aside in order to comply with socially acceptable norms that are way outside scriptural context.  They questio\n such things as the creation account,  the true definition of marriage, original sin. God’s judgment on sin and the power of the blood among other things.  It is sad to see so many deceived by the false prophets and, yes, false Christ’s, who are preaching messages like grace alone, love without limits and the need for works to accomplish salvation.  None of these things are biblical, and a prophet of the true God cannot be found in their midst.

We need to be careful not to be deceived by these false prophets.  We need to be asking the question “Is there not a true prophet of God?”  One who expounds the true counsel of the Lord.  One who listens to the Holy Spirit before giving counsel.  One who stays within the scope of scripture to bring his message.  There are many churches and people today who are being deceived.  I must make sure that I am not one of them.  I need a good enough knowledge of scripture to be able to tell the truth from false doctrine.  That is why we read the word daily and share what we have learned that day.  That is why this is so vital to our walk with Christ.

If you don’;t have a daily reading plan, please get one.  Then, find someone to keep you accountable to that plan.  This is the best way to stay on the right path.  I am so grateful for the two men who share their thoughts with me every day about the passages we read each day.  We are in the same place in scripture, and of similar knowledge of the scripture.  Our messages to each other every day are soul searching and intriguing.  We keep each other sharp, as iron sharpens iron.  This is a great way to make sure we stay on course in our walk with the Lord.  This is the best way to make sure we don’t start following the false prophets in this world, and heed the one true God.  I pray you are listening to the true prophets of God today!

Miracles Enjoined (1 Kings 17-20) – June 11

The stories of Elijah have always intrigued me.  How could such amazing miracles happen in Israel and they still disregarded God?  I have to wonder how many of the Israelites were aware that Elijah had done these things.  They knew about the fire coming down from heaven to burn up the altar and the offering because they were all there. But did they know it was Elijah that said there would be three years of famine?  I am sure they did not know about the woman of Zarephath and the miracles done for her.  They certainly did not know about the still small voice.  It also intrigues me that so many events were recorded in Kings and Chronicles, yet Chronicles says nothing about a great man like Elijah.

It makes me wonder how much we  are paying attentio\n to what God is doing in our midst today.  There was an incredible move of God at Asbury College in Kentucky, and many of us heard about that.  But how about the move of God that is taking place today in Iran, Thailand, Myanmar, Algeria, India and Africa?  If I look up modern day miracles, there are all kinds of stories about miracles happening around the world.  I don;t even have to go that far, as I have witnessed several miracles in my own life.  Cancer healed, storms moved,finances met.  There are stories all around us that the world discounts, but we as believers know are true.

It is time that we took a step back and listened for that still small voice.  Elijhah travelled about 250 miles to hear from God, then returned that 250 miles.  We should not have to go any further than our prayers closet to hear from God.  We need to still ourselves so that we know it is the voice of God.  All that Elihah did, He did because he was hearing from God.  How often am I taking the time to hear from God, and how often am I quiet enough that I can hear His voice?  AMong all the chaos and noise of this world, God is still doing miracles and He is still wanting to talk with us.  He wants us to figure out what we are DOING here, and what we are doing HERE.  God has placed us where we are, and He has a plan for our lives.  Am I listening close enough to hear that plan?  And am I moving out, once I have heard from God and doing what He has asked not to,

Take time today to get still before God and listen for that still, small voice. He is calling you and asking you to make Himself known among your neighbors and friends.  The field is ripe for harvest, and He has sent each one of us to be that miracle for someone else.  There are no greater miracles than that of a life transformed by Jesus Christ.  Share your miracle with others today because you are a walking miracle.

It seems these shingles just do not want to go away.  One day things seem better and then the next, they are back to the same state.  I think I am just learning to cope with it better most of the time.  I covet your continued prayers.

Your Testimony (1 Kings 15-17, 2 Chron 16&17) – June 10

Asa took the timber and stones of Ramah and built Geba and Mizpah with them.  I found this fascinating.  Imagine taking one city’s materials and using them in two other cities!  That had to be a huge undertaking.  First, they had to take apart the buildings and walls in Ramah, then transport the materials many miles to use them in building up the other two cities.  From what I can find, it would appear that these cities were about 5 miles apart.  There is much about Mizpah in the Bible., but not much about Geba.  Mizpah is where Jacob and Laban set a boundary between them, where the Israelites met when the Levites concubine was raped, and where Saul was made King of Israel.  Asa had a large army, but it still was a logistical nightmare, and quite a task for the general contractor (as we would  have called him).

What this s;poke to me was kind of different, though.  I saw a picture of our sinful person, and of our saved person.  God uses the stones of our past to build our temple for all time. He does not waste anything, but makes the most out of the problems and sins we have gone through,  He makes the part of our testimony, and often uses them to build our ministry. The alcoholic often can minister to the alcoholic once he is freed from that addiction.  Any drug or sex addict can testify how God has set them free from the bondage they once experienced.  The sick can testify on their healing and help others believe in the Power of God to bring healing to them.

While we have been freed from all our sins, and forgiven for them, they still remain as a witness for what God can do.  Just as Joshua was commanded to leave 12 stones as a memorial for future generations, we are to bring our testimony forward as a reminder to all of what God can do in their lives.  In Revelation 12:11, John writes that they were overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.  Our testimony is powerful.  Our testimony can help build the walls that will keep the enemy out for those who need to hear what Jesus has done for them.  May we always be willing to share it!