Tag Archives: Gehazi

Obedience is Our Sacrifice (2 Kings 5-8) – June 16

“I want to serve God my way1”  This is the cry of many in the church today. And it was the cry of Naaman the leper.  He was asked to do a simple thing, and he did not want to do it.  His own way was better.  “Why should I have to bathe in the Jordan River?  Aren’t the rivers in my own land greater than these?”  It doesnl;t matter if the other rivers are better, or clearer, or where they are placed.  God gave His instruction, and God expects those instructions to be followed.  Plain and simpler.  Dip seven times in the Jordan River.  Naaman was said to be an honorable and great man.  These things had also made him proud.  And his pride almost cost him his blessing!

We would do well to always remember the story of Naaman.  God is not impressed with anything we do or say. He is only impressed by obedience.  Look at the four lepers sitting at the gate.  ‘Why sit we here until we die?’  OH, how I love those words.  They show four men who were at their weakest, depend on God and bring a great victory..  They did not lift a si  ANd the victory was shared not onlyt with them, but with the whole army of Israel.ngle weapon of war in their hands.  They merely went by the Holy Spirit and relied on God.  Obedience was rewarded with victory and a great spoil.  I need to come to the place that, when I come to God, I come  humbly , and allow God to show me my salvation.  He may bring that victory in a strange way, but will bring it.

Gehazi also went after his pride. He caught up with Naaman and asked for a gift under false pretenses.  He just flat out lied.  But Naaman believed him because he had seen Gehazi with Nathan.  When we are seen as men and women of God,  We must make sure we present ourselves in a good and honorable way.  Gehazi did not. He lied to Naaman about the reason he wanted the money, and that cost him his life, in a way.  The leprosy of Naaman was now on Gehazi, and it would remain there for life.  Pride causes us to do things we should not do, but when we repent and do as told, we are restored, just as the leper that came back to Jesus, was made whole.  Obedience rather than sacrifice.  A broken heart is God’s delight, and we cannot be broken if we maintain our prideful ways. May we each make obedience our sacrifice!